Monday, January 1, 2018

New Distributor Package Price for King Humivet

Starting January 1, 2018, Rising Yuera International has revised it package pricing.

All previously posted package prices are no longer effective

 Package price is now at P8,480.00 (US$ 170.00) plus shipping and handling which varies depending on your location.

Package weight is based on a 3kg weight and containing 16 sachets of King Humivet.

For information.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

King Humivet for Pigs

King Humivet for Pigs
Organic Health Supplement for Animals
Amazing result in 3months and 2 weeks
Treated with King Humivet, pigs are ready for disposal


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Benefits of Humic and Fulvic Acids Application in Aquaculture

Applications of Humic and fulvic acids in aquaculture

Humic and fulvic acids are natural organic substances found in natural water systems and thus are compatible with all aquatic life forms. Prolonged stress and inadequate adaptation to stress in aquaculture could result in the reduction of the immune defense systems of fish which could lead to infection and disease. Treatment of diseases in fish is limited because of:
1. Only a few chemicals approved for use in aquaculture and these are not effective against all pathogens.
2. Chemical treatment may be linked to side effects such as toxic stress (Meinelt et al. 2001b, 2002).
3. All chemicals approved for use in aquaculture are suspected of being mutagenic or carcinogenic with a high potential to non-target organisms.

Benefits of King Humivet (humic and fulvic acids) in Fishponds

1. Increase in brood yield, through prophylactic treatment of fish eggs and larvae.
2. Improvement in growth and food utilization.
3. Improvement in condition, strength and resistance to disease, wellness and vitality of culture, particularly during transportation.
4. Faster healing of ectoparasite infected fish through therapeutic medication.
5. Suppression of secondary infection.
6. Inhibition of outbreaks of primary infection through prophylactic application.
7. Detoxification of harmful metals and chemicals in water.
8. Treatment with humic acid at concentrations of 50-90 mg/L reduced sickness and mortality (Schreckenbach et al., 1991). This therapeutic success was greater than standard chemical treatments such as a bath of a mixture of formaldehyde, methylene blue and malachite green.
9. Humic acid healed fish infected by natural and artificial skin lesions (Hartung, 1994). Burkart et al. (1994) also report astonishing and greater healing effects on fish than with FMM (a mixture of formaldehyde, methylene blue and malachite green). Humic and fulvic acids treatment was more effective than FMM for more sensitive fish such as members of the Characidae.
10. Marked increase in hemosiderin (complex of ferric hydroxides, polysaccharides and proteins) in neutral granulocytes and monocytes of carp upon humic acid treatment. This resulted in marked increase in phagocytosis of damaged erythrocytes.
11. One hour exposure of rainbow trout eggs to 5 mg/L of humic acid protected them from mycosis (fungal infection mainly by Saprolegnia and Achyla sp. Which are ubiquitous fungal pathogens of fish and their eggs; Gamygin et al. 1992a).
12. A significant protection from Saprolegnia infection and an increase in hatching was observed (Schreckenbach et al. 1994) in rainbow trout when fulvic acid (FA) concentrations of 15, 30 and 50 mg/L was used in treatment. These concentratiosn exceed those present in water but similar to those in sediments where fish eggs  and embryos lie. Thus, these results are environmentally relevant (Steinberg, 2003).
13. Humic acid treatment of fish was effective against parasites through the improvement of the physiological condition of the fish (Gamygin et al., 1991).
14. The chemical acriflavine is used as a long-term bath to treat external bacterial and protozoan diseases of fish. The treatment with humic acid in protocol reduces the toxicity of acriflavine (Meinelt et al. 2002).

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

King Humivet and Humates for Animal Health

Humates are fossilised plant material originating from a period which pre-dates the dinosaurs. The dark powder contains the dense mineral component which characterised those ancient plants. It also contains the amino acids and many of the other beneficial phytochemicals from that original plant matter. 

Humates have proven invaluable as a soil additive where their multi-faceted benefits include 

  1. detoxification
  2. chelation
  3. enhanced nutrient and water storage
  4. plant growth promotion
  5. and powerful biological promotion
In fact, humates are arguably the single most effective soil regenerator available, and their rapidly increasing popularity throughout the world is testimony to their potential.

Chemicals Expose Fragility

The Chinese have pioneered the use of humates in agriculture, although the Russians have also conducted extensive research in this field. In China, a sustainable agricultural system, involving the feeding and nurturing of highly productive soils, had existed for three thousand years. In the 20th century the communist government promoted the introduction of chemical fertilizers which rapidly exposed the fragility of these soils. Humates were researched and introduced on a large scale to counteract the effects of chemical fertilizers. Humates stabilize and buffer the leaching and burning associated with these artificial fertilizers and they also magnify their beneficial effect.

The Animal Connection

Despite the expanded awareness of humate potential in horticulture, there is still very little understanding of the potential in animal husbandry. The Chinese, who successfully introduced acupuncture and their traditional herbal medicines to the West, have been utilising sodium humates in the animal feed industry for over 25 years and they are passionate about the many benefits.
Soluble humic acid is available as either potassium humates or sodium humates (i.e. humic acid is only soluble in an alkaline base). Potassium humates are the product of choice for the soil because extra sodium is rarely required here. Sodium humates are preferable for animals as sodium is an important inorganic electrolyte for animal health and good levels should be maintained at all times.
The benefits of humates in animal health are remarkably similar to those in the soil. Where humic acids help to balance the critical fungal:bacteria ratio in the soil they can also stabilize the animal’s intestinal flora to improve feed efficiency (5% to 15% weight gains have been reported in cattle, pigs and poultry). Where humic acids are similar, buffering agents in the soil they can also offer a protective mechanism in the animal where they are able to form a protective film on the mucous lining of the gastro-intestinal tract. This film also helps to prevent excessive losses of water via the intestine.
Humic acids have been hailed as the most powerful detoxifying agents available for the soil but they can perform a similar function in the sick animal. Humic acid has a CEC (cation exchange capacity) of 450, which can provide an adsorptive capacity similar to activated charcoal to soak up and isolate toxins (before they can cause cellular damage). The physical manifestation of disease is often a negative response to the toxins released by the infectious microbes. When humic acid is used to bind these toxins there is often a dramatic reduction in toxicity.
There are also other gut biology effects associated with humic acid. These ubiquitous organic acids can assist the breakdown of both the carbohydrate and protein components of bacteria and virus particles while supporting the proliferation of beneficial probiotic species.
Research at the University of Leipzig, Germany, demonstrated the effect on population of several bacteria including E. coli, two strains of salmonella and the staphylococcus responsible for mastitis. Similar effects were recorded with viruses including adenovirus 2, Rota-virus, Echo-viruses and Herpes Simplex Type 1.
The detoxifying benefits of humic acid in the soil cover the full spectrum of accumulated toxins associated with chemical farming. These unwanted toxins can also be removed from the animal body. Scientific research has demonstrated that heavy metals, nitrates, fluoride, organophosphates, carbaryl and chloride organic insecticides can all be adsorbed and excreted when humic acid is added to the diet. In plant management, humic and fulvic acids can be used as rescue remedies when a plant has been damaged by storm hail or other environmental extremes. Part of this restorative capacity is based upon supportof the plant’s immune system and release of associated system protectors. In animal husbandry, there is a similar immune-supporting response, which is comparable in principle. Humic acids supportimmune system receptors in the gut lining. This immune response can be evidenced by a substantial increase in white blood cell activity.
Following 25 years of field experience the Chinese state categorically that humic acid will increase appetite, improve metabolism and associated feed utilisation and stimulate livestock growth. They claim that humates will increase the output and improve the quality of milk, meat and eggs. Chinese researchers also claim strong positive results with several digestive disorders.

Humate-Based Mineral Supplements

King Humivet involves the inclusion of important trace elements with sodium humates. This is a highly productive approach as humic acid is a chelating agent, which magnifies the bio-availability of these mineral supplements. Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are often combined with copper, iron, manganese, zinc and selenium. These trace element blends are cost effective.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Contact Us

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Mobile No. : +639178667732 (Globe, Viber, Whatsapp, Line)

Mobile No. : +639298883230 (Smart)
  • Include your name, location, and inquiries when you send PMs or text messages to the above numbers so we can address you properly.
  • We try to respond immediately to text messages or calls unless driving, sleeping, or in meeting so please be patient :)
  • We ship products anywhere (shipping shouldered by the buyer unless we offer it for free depending on the quantity of your order)
  • You can also leave a message on the following facebook links.

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